Women have a range of alternatives for pain management before or after New York obstetrics & gynecology surgeries. Pain drugs administered intravenously (into a vein) or intramuscularly (into a muscle) assist in reducing the amount of discomfort experienced during delivery or certain operations, but they do not fully eradicate pain.
- Regional anesthetic, either spinal or epidural, is the preferred pain treatment technique during childbirth, and some surgical procedures that do not need the patient to be asleep, such as cesarean section, tubal ligation, cervical cerclage, and others. Regional anesthesia has the advantages of enabling the patient to remain awake during the surgery, avoiding the hazards of general anesthesia, and permitting early contact between mother and child in the event of a cesarean section.
- Spinal anesthesia is administered by placing a needle between the vertebrae of the lower back and administering numbing medicines. An epidural is similar to a spinal in that a catheter is implanted to allow for the administration of numbing medications as needed.
- In some instances, general anesthesia may be needed. In an emergency, doctors can provide general anesthesia more quickly (e.g., chronic fetal distress). General anesthesia is an option if the mother has a clotting disease that might be aggravated by a decrease in blood pressure (a concern with regional anesthesia). Some of the most sophisticated and lengthy obstetric and gynecologic operations require general anesthesia.
Overview of obstetric and gynecologic surgery
Obstetric and gynecologic surgery include treatments used to address a wide range of disorders involving the female reproductive organs. The reproductive system’s primary structures include the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Obstetrics is the medical specialty that treats women throughout pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period. Gynecology is a bigger subject that focuses on women’s general health care and treating problems affecting the female reproductive organs.
Common obstetric procedures
- Cerclage: Cervical incompetence is treated with a surgical technique called cerclage, in which the cervix is stitched shut during pregnancy. The cervix extends into the vaginal canal and is the lowest section of the uterus. A cervical cerclage technique may be utilized if a woman’s cervix is in danger of opening due to the increasing pregnancy. A weak cervix can be caused by:
- History of miscarriages in the second trimester.
- A “cone biopsy” or “LEEP” method was performed previously.
- Damaged cervix by pregnancy termination.
- Cesarean section: This is a surgical procedure that involves delivering a baby via an incision in your abdominal and uterus. The uterus is the muscular organ near the vaginal opening. Babies are formed in the uterus, and menstrual blood is produced there. This is also known as a C-section.
- Induction of labor: This refers to starting the process of birthing (labor) before it occurs naturally. This is accomplished by using medications or, in certain situations, surgical procedures.
Preventive treatment is the most effective strategy for treating health and medical disorders. Women in good health and who do not have any reproductive health difficulties should get a preventative exam once a year. During this appointment, your doctor may undertake examinations, vaccinations, or lab testing for specific diseases. Call Inga Zilberstein, MD, or book an appointment online to learn more about obstetric and gynecologic surgeries.