Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin condition in Forest Hills, NY, caused by a virus. The virus that causes molluscum contagiosum is the same virus that causes chickenpox and shingles. Molluscum contagiosum is most commonly seen in children, but it can also occur in adults. The lesions associated with molluscum contagiosum are typically small, dome-shaped bumps on the skin. Most people who have molluscum contagiosum do not have any symptoms. What you need is a reliable Forest Hills dermatology center. But, what causes the condition?
Skin-to-Skin Contact
People exposed to someone with molluscum contagiosum may also develop the lesions. In the case of children, it is most common for a child to get molluscum contagiosum from playing with another child who has this infection. Adults can also transmit molluscum contagiosum by sharing towels and other personal items with someone who has the condition.
The virus that causes molluscum contagiosum can also be transmitted through sexual contact, but this is not common. The risk of transmission through sexual contact may increase if lesions are on the genitals or in the anal area.
Contact with Contaminated Objects
Molluscum contagiosum can also be spread by contact with contaminated objects. For example, the virus may spread to towels, clothing, toys, and other personal items that have been in contact with someone who has this infection.
There is no known way to prevent molluscum contagiosum. The good news is that it typically resolves independently and does not cause any severe complications. However, it can take 6-24 months for the lesions to disappear completely.
Children can get molluscum contagiosum because they often play with other children. A child can also get it by playing with toys that another child with molluscum contagiosum has played with.
If you have young children, make sure they do not share toys or other personal items with other children until all of the lesions are gone. Also, make sure your children wash their hands before they eat and frequently wash their hands and toys in hot soapy water to kill the virus.
If You Have an Immunodeficient Condition
People who have an immunodeficient condition may be at risk of developing molluscum contagiosum. The lesions associated with this condition are typically more widespread than those without immune system problems.
It is especially true for people with AIDS, but it can also occur in other types of immune-deficient conditions. People with AIDS and other immune-deficiency diseases should see a doctor if they develop lesions. The condition can be treatable in most cases, but it is best to get an evaluation by your doctor as soon as possible.
Scratching or Rubbing the Bumps
You should not scratch or rub the bumps associated with molluscum contagiosum because it can increase the risk of transmitting this condition. Unfortunately, scratching and rubbing are common in children who develop this infection.
People with molluscum contagiosum typically do not seek medical care because they do not realize it. They may think that they have a harmless rash. If left untreated, molluscum contagiosum can spread to more skin or even other parts of the body. Consider seeing your doctor get a diagnosis and treatment for this condition as soon as you notice the bumps.