Advanced colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure used to obtain a magnified view of the cervix and vagina. It is similar to a regular colposcopy but allows the doctor to look at the tissue using a microscope. There are many reasons why your doctor might recommend Miami advanced colposcopy, but the most common cause is to investigate abnormal results from a pap smear.
When you visit your doctor for a Pap smear, they will collect cells from your cervix using a swab. These cells are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. If the laboratory detects abnormal cells, your doctor may recommend an advanced colposcopy to investigate further.
During an advanced colposcopy, your doctor will use a microscope to examine the cells of your cervix and vagina. They may also take a biopsy, a small tissue sample sent to a laboratory for analysis.
There are several reasons why Peter A Khamvongsa, FACOG, FACS, IF might recommend an advanced colposcopy, including:
To investigate abnormal results from a Pap smear
Abnormal results entail the presence of atypical cells, which are not typically found in the cervix. These cells can indicate an infection or precancerous changes that must be monitored.
These precancerous changes can lead to cervical cancer when not attended to properly. An advanced colposcopy is a powerful tool for diagnosing and treating these conditions before they become more serious.
To monitor the progression of an HPV infection
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. In many cases, HPV can be cleared by the body’s immune system. However, in some cases, it persists and may cause abnormal cell changes.
An advanced colposcopy effectively monitors these types of infections and evaluates any changes that have occurred over time. If precancerous cells are detected, your doctor will recommend appropriate treatment to reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer.
To evaluate an abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding
In some cases, an advanced colposcopy may be used to investigate symptoms such as an abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding. It can help rule out other causes and identify any potential issues with the cervix or vagina.
If you are experiencing any changes in your vaginal health or are concerned about the results of a recent Pap smear, it is essential to speak with your doctor right away. An advanced colposcopy can help provide greater insight into your condition and aid in the development of an appropriate treatment plan.
To diagnose or monitor other conditions
In addition to these common reasons, there may be other times when your doctor recommends an advanced colposcopy. For example, if you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, an advanced colposcopy can be used to monitor your condition and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
In some cases, an advanced colposcopy may also be recommended as a follow-up to a previous procedure such as a LEEP, cone biopsy, or cryosurgery.
Suppose you have been advised to undergo an advanced colposcopy for any reason. In that case, it is crucial to speak with your doctor about your treatment options and what to expect during and after the procedure. With proper care and close monitoring, you can reduce your risk of developing severe health conditions such as cervical cancer.