It may be stressful for a couple trying to conceive but not having much success. While it is true that assisted reproductive technologies like Mountain View aggressive IVF protocols may be of assistance in this situation, it is also recommended that the couple goes for aid as soon as possible. Despite its potential for profound change in many people’s lives, IVF is often misunderstood. The following are some of the common myths:
IVF will result in twins or triplets
Yes, multiple pregnancies are more likely to occur after reproductive therapy. However, most sets of twins are the product of naturally occurring pregnancies. However, spontaneous conception is far more common in having three or more children, with around 15% of triplet and 7% of quadruplet births being the norm.
Medication used to induce or enhance ovulation increases the chance of multiple pregnancies during in vitro fertilization. Clomiphene citrate is an oral fertility medication that causes multiple births in around 5-8% of pregnancies. Rarely do people have more than a pair of children at a time. Gonadotropins are injectable fertility medicines that result in twins around 15% of the time and more than twins about 3% of cycles.
Even though the odds of having more than one child rise with fertility therapy, most people and couples only end up having one child.
Cancer risk rises in women who have had IVF
Clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and meta-analyses have shown no evidence linking IVF with an increased risk of cancer, even the dreaded uterine and breast varieties. Women may safely undergo a decent number of reproductive treatment cycles without increasing their risk of cancer, except for ovarian cancer, for which the chances are 15 in 10,000. The unborn kid does not face any cancer risk during pregnancy or later in life.
There is an increased chance of birth abnormalities in an IVF kid
There is no evidence that the use of IVF increases the likelihood that a child will be born with a problem. It aids parents in obtaining pre-implantation genetic testing of the embryo to remove the dangers of the infant having any congenital malformations or chromosomal problems in high-risk scenarios. These include situations when the woman’s age is above 40 or a history of hereditary disease in the family.
Post-menopausal women are not candidates for IVF treatment
Only through in vitro fertilization (IVF) can older women achieve pregnancy. While a woman’s ability to produce eggs naturally declines with age, her uterus is generally in enough shape to support a baby carried by donor eggs.
IVF is a treatment option for infertile couples alone
It is a prevalent misconception that infertility is a prerequisite for a couple to consider IVF. It’s true that in vitro fertilization (IVF) aids women who have trouble becoming pregnant the traditional way. Still, infertility is not necessary for a woman to choose this reproductive option. If one spouse has a genetic disorder that might potentially harm the baby, the couple may decide to undergo IVF. The laser may be used to remove a small sample of cells for genetic testing, eliminating the need to terminate a pregnancy due to suspected congenital disabilities.
While IVF protocols have made significant breakthroughs, especially in helping couples that would like to have a child, they are still clouded with many misconceptions. If you are interested in procedures such as aggressive IVF protocols, knowing what is true and what is not can go a long way in making the right decisions.