
Leaking Urine After C-Section-Causes, Risks, and Treatments

Leakage urine after a C-section occurs when the bladder is stressed. It is very common, affecting about 7 million new moms in the US. Even low-stress deliveries and C-sections (cesarean sections) can lead to incontinence in up to 50% of women. But remember, just because something is common does not mean it is normal. In your system, your nerves, ligaments, and pelvic floor muscles work together to support your bladder and keep the urethra closed so urine doesn’t leak. In case of overstretching or injuring these during pregnancy or childbirth may cause urine leakage.

What is Leaking Urine after C-Section?

In addition to stretch marks, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins, incontinence is one of the less-pleasant aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. We define incontinence as involuntary leakage of urine, feces, or wind. It is an annoying condition for women after childbirth. We also call it to stress incontinence when urine leakage occurs with coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, or lifting heavy objects. We can name it stress incontinence which can go off on its own within a few months of giving birth. This issue can be long-lasting, and some women consider this reason alone to opt for an elective cesarean section rather than vaginal birth. While an elective cesarean may reduce the risk of stress incontinence in the short term for some women, it is not guaranteed to prevent this problem altogether.

Causes for Urinary Urgency or Incontinence in Pregnancy

You can call it as one of the most common causes of pregnancy-related urinary incontinence or urgency is weak pelvic floor muscles (the bladder muscles). It could be temporary as the pelvic floor muscles relax to prepare for labor. The muscles in pelvic floor muscles support the uterus and help control the bladder and bowel. And the weight of your baby can weaken these muscles.

Who is More at Risk of Incontinence?

Women who have gestational diabetes or smoke often are at risk of developing incontinence after a c-section. One risk is damage to your bladder or the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder during the incision. But it is not a particular risk. It often requires further incontinence surgery.

Postpartum Urinary Incontinence Treatment

For the treatment options, you should talk to your health provider or urologist. With some specific physical exam, he can rule out a urinary tract infection. If you are not having this issue, your provider may refer you to a urogynecologist for an evaluation. He can recommend that you start by doing Kegel exercises regularly and make them a lifelong habit. You can also bring improvements to:
  • Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Avoid constipation because straining to have a bowel movement may worsen the problem.
  • Try to wear a sanitary pad to protect your clothes from urine leaks.
  • Try to cross your legs and tighten your pelvic muscles when you feel a sneeze or a cough coming on.
If your condition doesn’t improve after one month after doing regular Kegel exercises, you can ask your provider for a referral to a pelvic floor rehab physical therapist. It has been helpful for many women with urinary incontinence, and they found relief from individualized pelvic floor therapy.

Anal and Bowel Incontinence after C-Section

The issue of anal continence is a complex physiological mechanism dependent on bowel disease, bowel habits, and cortical awareness, the integrity of the pelvic floor muscles, the anal sphincter muscles, and several psychological factors. Vaginal delivery (VD) is linked to damage to the pelvic floor, including tears of the anal sphincter and decreased pudendal nerve function. Anal incontinence (AI), which includes gas leakage or the unintentional loss of solid or liquid feces, is one of these injury short- and long-term outcomes. We also name it bowel incontinence. It has specific causes like labor and vaginal deliveries. It can start immediately after a postnatal period and can also stay with you throughout life. In the case of cesarean delivery, you can prevent anal incontinence by preserving pelvic floor function while avoiding the direct trauma that may occur during vaginal delivery. However, Caesarean section is associated with higher risks than a vaginal delivery, such as admission into intensive care, transfusions, hysterectomy, and a more extended hospital stay.

Bladder Problems after Childbirth

You may leak urine between bathroom visits when pregnant. It is called incontinence. Stress incontinence is one type of incontinence that can affect pregnant women. If you have stress incontinence, you may leak urine while doing the following:
  • Cough.
  • Laugh.
  • Engage in some physical activity.
The bladder is located beneath the uterus. The bladder becomes squeezed (flattened) as your baby grows, leaving less space for urine. This added pressure may cause you to urinate more frequently than usual. It’s usually a one-time condition that passes within a few weeks following your baby’s delivery.


Many women who have incontinence after having a baby hide it because they feel embarrassed. Despite this, the problem is extremely common. It’s not something to be sorry about and get embarrassed for it. Not seeking help might make you feel lonely, harm your relationship and job, and prevent you from exercising or having sex.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1-Is 3 month’s postpartum leaking fluid normal? According to the latest research, women who give birth vaginally are more likely to experience these complications afterward. In some cases, urinary incontinence issues can last up to a year, and smaller percentages of women are still living symptoms after five years. 2-When does urinary incontinence start in pregnancy? Mainly during the second and third trimesters, more than a third of pregnant women experience involuntary urinary leakage, with a third leak occurring during the first three months after delivery. 3-What is the frequent urge to urinate postpartum? The hormones like progesterone cause Urinary incontinence. It usually starts in the third month of pregnancy, and pregnancy produces a drop in muscular bladder tone. As the pregnancy proceeds, the bladder gradually extends and grows. In the early postpartum period, the bladder continues to lose muscle tone.