
Is Your Period Pain Normal? – Here Are 7 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

There is no denying that painful periods could feel like hell on earth. Cramps are annoying and unpleasant for most people, but they are also relatively easy to handle with a pain reliever or two. However, for some, these cramps could be devastating. So, how could you tell the difference between ‘regular’ period cramps and when they should be a reason for concern. Here are several red flags that your painful periods Orlando are abnormal. Read on to learn more!

1)  Intense Pain That Interrupts Your Day-To-Day Life

If you often have to skip work because of extreme pain, it could signify unusual period discomfort. While it is not uncommon to be in such pain that you have to request a leave from work, there could be a more significant underlying disease, such as endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory illness, if you are in this much pain regularly.

2)  Pelvic Pain That Comes and Goes

Pelvic discomfort throughout sex is not natural, and the same problems that trigger pain during sex can also cause excruciating periods. If you suffer pelvic discomfort even while not ovulating or nearing your menstruation, this could be a concern.

3)  Cramps That Persist For Not Less Than 2-3 Days

Period pains that last the entire time you are on your menses are not typical. It should also not begin too many days before your menses as normal cycle pain begins one day to your period on the day your flow begins.

4)  Pain Drugs Are Not Working

Most women find that pain-relieving drugs, particularly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are beneficial in alleviating painful periods. Nevertheless, if you discover that prescription painkillers are not working to relieve your discomfort, it could indicate that you are having an atypical period.

5)  Periods Accompanied By Heavy Bleeding That Persists For Over A Week

If your painful periods are coupled with severe bleeding to the extent that you have to change your pad or tampon every two hours, or if your menses last more than a week, this might highlight a more significant health problem.

Intense bleeding can lead to anemia or iron deficiency. Anemia forces the heart to work harder to pump oxygen to all body parts. This extra strain could hurt the heart and trigger issues such as fatigue spells, palpitations, and acute fatigue.

6)  Periods Associated With Nausea, Urinary, or Bowel Issues

It is common to have an upset stomach or diarrhea throughout your period since the uterus produces a hormone known as prostaglandins. However, chronic diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, painful bowel motions, and unusual period discomfort may necessitate a doctor’s visit.

7)  Abnormal Spotting Or Discharge Between Periods

If you have vaginal discharge or bleeding between periods, it could signify a more serious health problem, particularly if it is associated with abnormal period pain. Often, this could indicate endometriosis, hormonal changes, uterine cysts, cervical cysts, pelvic inflammatory illness, and benign or cervical malignancy.

If you observe any of the warning signs listed above, your painful periods are more than just that! Do not be hesitant to express your worries; the expert gynecologists at Contemporary Women’s Care have the necessary expertise to appropriately identify and treat the root source of your unusual period discomfort early on. Call the office or book an appointment online today to determine what procedure is best for you.