
Implants Gordon for missing teeth in adults

Implants Gordon for missing teeth in adults.docx

Dental implants Gordon are a highly successful method of replacing missing teeth that is thought to be the current gold standard in restorative dental treatment. Restorative dental treatment focuses on repairing or replacing damaged or missing teeth to improve the appearance of your smile, improve and promote better dental health and restore the function of your mouth.

Improve the appearance of your smile with implants Gordon

A missing tooth can have a range of negative implications on all aspects of your life. It can severely affect the appearance of your smile. If the missing tooth is at the front of your mouth this will alter your appearance completely. You will find that people’s eyes are drawn towards your missing tooth, and this can affect your self-confidence and your self-esteem. You may be embarrassed by your missing tooth and this can stop you from smiling as often as you would, and even when you do, you may find that you smile with your hands covering your mouth. Some people develop social anxiety and this can result in mental health, complications and even depression.

Dental implants Gordon are an excellent way of restoring the appearance of your smile. The implant is fixed into the jaw and hidden from sight. An abutment is attached to the implant and then a beautiful, customised crown can be fitted onto the abutment that will look and feel just like your natural dentition. This crown will be held firmly in place and no one will even notice the difference. By replacing the missing tooth, dental implants Gordon prevent your remaining teeth from becoming crooked and wonky, which is often the case when there is a gap in the teeth. The rest of the teeth shift to try and fill the gap. The quicker you replace your missing tooth the less chance there is of developing misalignment issues of the teeth.

Look after your remaining teeth with implants Gordon

A missing tooth affects your dental health. As mentioned it can cause your remaining teeth to become crooked and wonky. Therefore, by replacing the tooth you can prevent orthodontic complications. A missing tooth can weaken the adjacent teeth as well as the tooth that is above or below the missing tooth. The teeth on either side begin to lean in the direction of the gap in the teeth and the opposing tooth begins to move away from the gum line to reestablish the tension lost as a result of the missing tooth. This is because teeth actually work in pairs and as the balance shifts, it puts more pressure on the other teeth. By replacing the missing tooth as soon as possible with dental implants Gordon, you can prevent the other teeth from shifting and maintain the alignment of your teeth preventing further complications later on.

Prevent bone decay with implants Gordon

Another problem with missing teeth is that they cause bone decay. Your teeth stimulate bone growth and preserve the bone with exercise from chewing and biting. If you have a missing tooth, the bone is no longer stimulated, causing the bone to disintegrate in a process known as resorption. Resorption causes deterioration of the jawbone, making it difficult to

bite and chew and it can lead to weakening of the remaining teeth. The best way to avoid this is to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible with dental implants Gordon. If you avoid replacing your missing teeth, bone decay occurs at a rate of 25% a year and very soon you can lose the rest of your teeth as well.

Dental implant surgery

Dental implant surgery

Speak to your dentist who will carry out an examination of your teeth and gums and make sure that dental implants Gordon is suitable for you. Any dental health issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or bone decay will need to be dealt with before you can undergo dental implant surgery. Your dentist will put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. This may include bone grafting to make sure that the implant can be held securely in place.

The surgery itself is carried out under local anaesthetic and involves drilling a small hole into the bone socket of your missing tooth so that the implant can be inserted into your jaw. The gum is stitched over the implant and this is left to heal by itself. The healing process can take approximately 4 to 6 months after which your tooth is ready to replace. The implant will help prevent a range of dental complications caused by tooth loss so speak to your dentist sooner rather than later to find out more.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.