
Dental implants to replace missing teeth

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Missing teeth have many consequences, so it is important to visit your dentist as soon as you notice that you have a wobbly tooth so that they can fix it or plan how to replace the tooth as soon as it falls out. If your tooth is wobbly because you suffer from gum disease, your dentist can do a deep cleaning of your teeth to remove any infection. As your gums heal, they will tighten around the wobbly tooth and hold it firmly in place. If the tooth is wobbly as a result of trauma to the mouth, your dentist can stabilise it using a splint to attach the wobbly tooth to the adjacent healthy teeth. This will hold the wobbly tooth in place, and over time, it will re-bond with the surrounding gum and bone. If there is irreversible damage or the tooth has fallen out of its own accord, you will need to replace your missing tooth before you have more missing teeth. Speak to your dentist about Dental implants Sydney CBD.

Dental implants

Dental implants Sydney can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple missing teeth. In some cases, dental implants can be used to replace a full arch of teeth. Dental implants are an excellent solution for teeth replacement because they are designed to last a lifetime. They are small, medical-grade titanium screws that can be inserted directly into the jaw to replace the root of the missing teeth and become a permanent fixture in your mouth, which cannot be removed except by fracture. Dental implants can support up to three adjacent missing teeth, and a minimum of four implants can be used to replace a full arch of teeth.

Dental implants

Dental implant surgery

Dental implantation is an invasive surgical procedure. However, once the procedure is complete and the implant is in place, the rest of the process is a natural bodily process known as osseointegration. Osteoblasts form around the implants so that they are fixed into the jaw. This process takes approximately 4 to 6 months, depending on your body’s healing ability. Unfortunately, this means that dental implants are not suitable for everyone. If you have medical conditions that affect your ability to heal, such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders, then dental implants may not be right for you.

You will be pleased to know that there are other non-invasive options for replacing missing teeth, such as removable dentures. Removable dentures can restore some of the appearance and function of your mouth, sufficient to get by with daily activities. They are perhaps more suitable for elderly patients and can help patients who are not suitable for dental implants replace their missing teeth, smile happily and eat a wide range of foods.

If you are eligible for dental implants, your dentist will begin by thoroughly examining your teeth, gums and jaw; this will include diagnostic imaging with x-rays and intraoral scans to assess the health of your remaining teeth, gums and jaw. Your gums must be healthy, and if not, you will need to undergo a course of antibiotics, deep cleaning or gum surgery where necessary. Your dentist will make sure that you have a healthy jawbone to hold the implant in place. If not, then you will require a bone graft.

On the day of the surgery, you will be put under local anaesthesia; you can receive further sedation if you are nervous. The entire procedure should take approximately two hours, depending on how many implants you need, after which it will take 4 to 6 months for the implants to become fixed in place. Your dentist will design a custom-made crown or a set of partial or full dentures, depending on the number of teeth you need to replace.

Dental implants help restore the appearance, function and health of your teeth and gums and can look and feel just like your natural teeth, allowing you to speak, bite, chew and eat like you did before. Although the crown or dentures will need replacing after some years, the implants will remain for the rest of your life provided that you need to look after your teeth properly and visit your dentist regularly. Speak to your dentist today to find out more.

Dental implant surgery


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.