As the most flexible and frequently used portion of the spine, the low back is particularly vulnerable to degeneration and trauma. The certified physicians at University Pain Medicine Center often suggest addressing back pain with conservative solutions that do not incorporate surgery. Unfortunately, these options are not always effective at alleviating your discomfort and other associated symptoms. When back surgery was required previously, patients were informed to expect a prolonged recovery. However, this is not the case anymore. For individuals who require lumbar disc surgery, there are microsurgery techniques available. As a result, patients can enjoy reduced recovery times and other complications that come with conventional open surgery. Read on to learn more about Lumbar Disc Microsurgery and what it can do for you.
What Exactly Is The Lumbar Microdiscectomy?
Lumbar microdiscectomy is a laparoscopically conducted, minimally-intrusive treatment. In this treatment, very small surgical equipment and a miniature camera are inserted through numerous small incisions on your back. Thanks to this advanced technology, your specialist has a detailed view of the damaged area, which allows them to be highly accurate.
Once the physician has pinpointed the location of the damaged disc, the muscles are moved away from the spine. The infringed nerve root is recognized, and the affected disc is eliminated to alleviate compression. If required, a tiny part of the facet joint that links two vertebrae might be excised.
Your surgeon uses sutures to seal the cuts and return the muscles to their normal position. This surgery is done in a clinical setting under general anesthesia. Following surgery, several days of hospitalization are generally necessary to monitor your response and ensure that you do not suffer any complications.
Who Is A Candidate For Lumbar Microdiscectomy?
You might require a lumbar microdiscectomy if you suffer from a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or lumbar synovial cyst. These conditions will likely trigger daunting symptoms such as radiating pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in your back or legs.
Unfortunately, not all back pain issues can be corrected with a lumbar microdiscectomy. After alternative therapies fail to provide relief, your specialist will recommend surgery.
How Is The Recovery After Lumbar Microdiscectomy?
The patient is advised to get up and move as soon as feasible after a lumbar microdiscectomy. Prescribed medicine is used to manage any post-surgery discomfort. Once the surgery-related pain has subsided, the patient frequently feels significantly better than before the treatment because the core nerve discomfort has been eradicated.
During rehabilitation, patients profit from prescription physical therapy to help them regain flexibility and strength and limit the likelihood of recurring back pain. Typically, you can resume work in 2-4 weeks, though heavy labor occupations may require twice as long to recuperate.
Low back pain, especially when it travels down your leg, can drastically reduce your activity level. If you suspect a herniated disc and have unsuccessfully tried conservative care options, you can talk to the interventional pain medicine specialists at University Pain Medicine Center. With a lumbar microdiscectomy, you can enjoy complete relief from your back pain and other associated symptoms without the undesirable effects of open surgery. Call the office near you or arrange an appointment online to discuss your unique concerns and explore lumbar microdiscectomy as a long-term solution.