
Feet and Ankle Care; the Common Issues

How often do you care for your feet and ankles? Unfortunately, most people have no concern over their foot health. According to health research, only two people out of ten observe their feet health. There are different ways we can preserve the health of our feet, including wearing comfortable and...

What are the Dos and Don’ts of Bone Grafting?

Dental implants make a perfect solution for missing teeth with up to a 95% success rate. However, you need to have a healthy oral system and enough bone for dental implants to be successful. In cases where you do not have adequate bone to support the implants, Monterey bone grafting...

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Varicose Veins From Worsening

Many people struggle with varicose veins in El Paso since they affect a significant percentage of the population. Your legs’ venous system lies deep within. Your doctor might find it easy to eliminate unsightly veins without affecting your blood circulation when spider veins and varicose veins begin to appear on...

Why Should You Consider Obstetrics Care?

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy and childbirth. For many women in Trinity, Florida, obstetricians are their first point of contact for prenatal care when they become pregnant. It can be hard to find other sources for this type of information when you don't know what...

Details You Need to Know About Coronary Artery Disease

At times experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing can be confusing because the same symptoms are also present in some respiratory conditions. Therefore, seeking medical advice is always recommended to help determine which condition you might be suffering from because the same symptoms are also present in...

Common Birth Control Methods In 2022

Living in a world where having babies is the number one priority, it's crucial to explore your options for planning an unplanned pregnancy. Many different types of birth control range from over-the-counter condoms up to getting pregnant and aborting them in an abortion clinic. In this article, we will look...
Signs you might need weight loss revision surgery
Weight Loss

Signs you might need weight loss revision surgery

Weight loss revision surgery is a decision that should only be made after careful consideration. That being said, there are some signs that might indicate you need this type of procedure. In this article, we will discuss the signs: 1. You gained weight If you follow the plan set out...

The ultimate guide to treating dandruff in winters

As winter is coming, people wait to see pretty snowflakes but what about the scalp flakes that grow inside our hair when winter approaches? Less humidity causes dandruff in hair. Dandruff happens due to the growth of bacteria and fungus grown on our scalp. It comes with a lot of...

What to expect  from a Thai massage

Thai massage is said to have originated in India about around 2500 years ago. This massage is originally regarded as part of healing art. Thai massage is influenced by both traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda. Unlike the usual  western massages,  it doesn't involve lying down on a bed as a...
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