
Treatment for Sports Injuries

Injuries sustained during sports can be quite uncomfortable and can quickly put a talented athlete out of commission. Treatment and recovery time for injuries are typically consistent regardless of the sport or cause of the injury as well as a requirement in urgent care Frisco, TX.

Timely medical attention

Call your doctor or head to the nearest hospital emergency room if you think your wound is serious. Signs of a serious injury requiring medical attention include the following:

  • Excruciating pain and swelling
  • Abnormalities that are plain to see, like enlarged bumps or twisted limbs
  • Signs of injury include making popping or crunching noises when you move the affected area, not being able to put any weight on the afflicted area, joint instability, and difficulty breathing.
  • Headaches chills

Minor injuries that don’t improve with self-care should also be reported to a doctor. You should no longer have any swelling or obvious bruising around the wounded area once the first month has passed. After four weeks, if you still see swelling or discoloration, you should see a doctor. When severe discomfort persists beyond the initial few weeks, it’s time to make an appointment.

When you first get hurt:

In the hours following a muscle injury, several changes occur. Besides the obvious discomfort, you may also feel swelling and bruises. A dull soreness may follow the initial burst of pain. Tenderness and sensitivity to movement may also characterize the wounded area. You probably won’t be able to utilize it for the first few hours as you normally would.

  • Rest

One of the best methods to begin mending is to get some rest. The muscle is at its most fragile in the initial few hours after an injury. Stop moving it around so it can mend.

  • Ice

The application of ice immediately following an injury, particularly during the first 24 hours, has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects. Your wound should be treated with either an ice pack, a bag of vegetables that are frozen, or a bag of ice that has been crushed. Limiting blood supply to the area can mitigate swelling and pain. Never put ice directly on the skin; doing so can cause frostbite. Wrap it in a small cloth or towel and apply it properly to the damaged part.  Apply ice in 15- to 20-minute increments, waiting for the skin to warm up to room temperature in between applications.