Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that can cause itchy, dry, and red skin. Dealing with the condition can be extremely difficult and annoying. It can be hard to resist scratching your skin when it itches. The condition is more common than most people think, with 3% of adults affected worldwide and one in every five children affected.
For some people, there may be no specific trigger for the condition. In others, the triggers may include soaps and detergents. If you suffer from the condition, it is essential to consult with dermatology woodmere experts to determine the underlying cause. If your condition becomes worse, it can develop into an infection.
Tips for managing eczema
- Commit to a regular routine.
Determine which products are right for your skin type and problems, and commit to a regular routine. Establishing a good skin care regime where every product works for your skin can be a complex journey, but once you find one, it is important to stick to it to achieve the best results. Simple steps like using a gentle soap bar or face cleanser, a good moisturizer twice a day, getting good sleep, and avoiding known triggers can greatly help your condition.
- Resist the urge to scratch.
While it is easier said than done, it is extremely important to resist the urge when you feel like scratching your skin. With eczema, you are going to want to scratch your skin multiple times during the day.
However, scratching can result in leathery and thickened skin. This also increases your chances of infection since bacteria can enter cracked skin more easily. To fight the urge, keep your fingernails short. This way, even if you scratch, it won’t affect your skin that much.
- Wear natural fabrics.
It is important to wear clothes made of breathable materials for all people. However, this becomes even more important for people with eczema. Wearing natural fabrics allows air to go in and out and allows your skin to breathe. Skip wool and human-made fabrics like nylon and polyester every time you can. Good options include 100% cotton, silk, bamboo or Tencel.
- See an eczema specialist.
The best way to understand your condition is by seeing a specialist. Unless you understand the underlying cause and the best course of action to address the specific problem, you won’t be able to get relief. Moreover, home remedies and DIYs seldom provide relief when the condition is severe. Certain conditions provide strong treatments, and it won’t be possible for you to do them without a medical professional.