
Some of the Most Challenging Tasks in the World


Tasks, tasks and tasks, people all around the globe are having some or the other kind of task to fulfil. Seldom will you find someone who is not having a task or is a free-bird. But did you know that in the world, there are some critical tasks also, which people do, and some challenging tasks are also there. Besides all of that, lets just look here some of the most challenging tasks which people do daily, which is not that easy as it looks. The biggest and the most challenging task is the lighthouse task. It may sound simple and for some people it may sound like wow! What a great job! But let me tell you that it is one of the most difficult tasks.

Pharos of Alexandria: Light House Task

The Pharos of Alexandria, pays 30 crores, which is one of the most high-paying jobs. But no one is ready to take the responsibility of this work, nor are there any person who is interested in these critical tasks. The lighthouse, there in Alexandria is important for safe navigation, saving lives, and shipwrecks. So, there is a need of a lighthouse keeper. Now, the biggest dangers that lies in this work is that the lighthouse is located in an isolated place, in between the sea. And, only one keeper is required or at the max 2. And, another risk that is there is the high-rising waves and sometimes, it becomes so cloudy and hazy, that it becomes difficult for a lone man to survive there.

Risk for the Keepers Life

This lighthouse is very popular, but the only risk which it poses is that sometimes, the sea waves cover the entire lighthouse and water also seeps in. This is kind of risky for the keeper’s life and safety. So, this is one of the most high-paying jobs with a critical task and that is to navigate the ships, through the light of the light house, which should not be extinguished at any cost. It has a minimum task and a high-paying salary, but still, no one is ready to do this task. So, this is one of the instances of critical tasks which is offered for anyone who is interested in this job post.

Anchor Drop Task 

Another important or critical task which is usually performed by the captains of the ship or their team is dropping of the anchor. Now, many people after reading this, think that it is one of the easiest tasks. But, let me tell you that it is one of the most critical tasks in which the captain of the ship will lower the anchor to the level of the water, so that when the brakes are released, the cables can be freely extended. And, the biggest challenge or the critical task is to remove the stuck anchor, when it gets stuck in the hauz pipe. So, these are some of the critical and the most challenging task in the world.