The kidney is one of the essential organs in the body. It helps filter out toxins and waste products from the blood. It also helps regulate blood pressure, fluid balance, and red blood cell production. When the kidneys are not working correctly, it is called kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a slowly progressing and irreversible disease that damages your kidneys over time. CKD affects more than 26 million people in the United States, most of whom don’t know they have it. Early detection and treatment can help prevent or slow the progress of CKD, but many people aren’t aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease. This article looks at some of the most common symptoms of kidney disease. Devaraj Munikrishnappa, M.D., a specialist in kidney disease, recommends that you see a specialist as soon as you notice any symptoms.
Too little or too much urine production
The kidneys produce urine by filtering out waste products and excess water from the blood. When the kidneys are not working correctly, you may produce too little or too much urine. Signs that you may be producing too little urine include going to the bathroom less than usual, feeling very thirsty, and feeling tired. Symptoms that you may be producing too much urine include going to the toilet more than usual, feeling very thirsty, and feeling tired.
Protein in the urine
Protein usually is not found in urine. When the kidneys are not working properly, protein may leak out of the blood and urine. This can signify a problem with your kidneys.
Edema refers to swelling in the body caused by excess fluid. Edema is common in people with kidney disease since the kidneys are not working correctly to remove excess fluid from the body. It may also cause swelling in the face, legs, and hands resulting from fluid accumulation.
Chest pain
Chest pain can signify many different diseases, including heart disease and kidney disease. Kidney disease will cause chest pain if the kidneys are not working correctly to remove waste products from the blood. This waste can cause inflammation and irritation of the heart lining, called pericarditis.
Fatigue is a common symptom in people with kidney disease. When your kidneys have a problem, they can’t remove toxins and waste products from the blood. This can cause you to feel tired and exhausted all the time.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of many diseases, including kidney disease. When the kidneys are not working as needed, they can’t remove toxins and waste products from the blood. This can cause you to feel sick to your stomach and vomit.
Itchy skin
Itchy skin is a common symptom of many diseases, including kidney disease. When the kidneys are not working correctly, they can’t remove toxins and waste products from the blood. This can cause you to feel itchy all over your body.
In summary, there are many different symptoms of kidney disease. Some of the most common include too little or too much urine production, protein in the urine, edema, chest pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and itchy skin. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment of kidney disease can help prevent or slow its progression.