
Sameer Suhail Shares Why Continuous Education Is Vital In Healthcare

Providing high-quality continuing education to healthcare professionals means capitalizing on excellence in healthcare performance.

Sameer Suhail believes the healthcare industry is expanding rapidly in developing and developed regions worldwide. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare and social assistance are one of the fastest-growing sectors in the United States. Between 2012 and 2022, the sector is expected to grow at a 2.6 percent annual rate, adding five million jobs. Healthcare and social assistance services are critical for the well-being of communities. They provide essential support for individuals and families who are dealing with illness, injury, or disability. Healthcare and social assistance workers help to ensure that people have access to the care they need. In addition, they work to prevent health problems and promote wellness. As the population continues to grow and age, there will be an increasing demand for healthcare and social assistance services. As a result, this sector is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Will the people filling these vacancies be the highly skilled and motivated employees that the healthcare sector desperately needs? According to a PWC survey, one of the top five key risks identified by healthcare CEOs is the availability of skilled staff.

<p>Although 75 percent of CEOs worldwide believe that a skilled, educated, and adaptable workforce should be a government/business priority, Sameer Suhail believes a growing shortage of experienced and well-trained staff in many regions worldwide. There is a need to raise awareness that education does not end once people begin their professional careers to counteract this trend. In today’s healthcare industry, the healthcare technology available to healthcare practitioners is constantly evolving. Whether we are talking about wearable monitoring devices or new methods of analyzing medical data, these technologies are always changing and adapting to meet the needs and demands of healthcare professionals. This brings up an important consideration for healthcare professionals: the importance of staying up-to-date with advances in technology within their community and beyond. As a result, Sameer Suhail believes care providers must regularly keep up with new techniques and technologies. In addition, it is best to expand their knowledge and skills, which means that continuing education is an absolute requirement for any healthcare professional who wants to provide high-quality patient care.

Staff that is highly skilled and educated always pays off.

Sameer Suhail, a healthcare advocate believes the benefits of investing in continuous education are self-evident: highly skilled staff, high staff retention, a stellar reputation, optimized financial performance, better patient outcomes, and fewer medical malpractice lawsuits. The disadvantages are equally obvious: medical institutions risk losing their experts to other employers if they do not invest in their personnel. In addition, Sameer Suhail thinks missing out on valuable knowledge gains can result in inefficient system usage, frustrated users, and dissatisfied patients, resulting in higher costs, wasted time, and image loss. So the question is, why isn’t every medical institution incorporating continuous education into their daily quality landscape? Perhaps because continuous education is still mentally linked to employees’ absences, course fees, travel, and lodging costs, etc.