You might not know how much you rely on your shoulder to perform your tasks, but when you sustain a shoulder injury, you will realize that you can’t function properly without your shoulders. If a shoulder injury is not treated, it can deteriorate and cause other complications or even disability. If you are looking for treatment for a shoulder injury, the Upper Extremity Specialists may have the perfect solution for you.
What shoulder injuries can you get?
Your shoulders are responsible for most of the movements you make. They are some form of a complex network of muscle, tendon, and bone to facilitate motion, making them susceptible to injuries. Experiencing pain in your shoulders once in a while, but if it persists and does not improve with rest, you may need medical assistance. Your shoulder pain may be due to fatigue, but if it is persistent, it may be due to fractures, rotator cuff tears, impingement, arthritis, bursitis, instability, or tendonitis. You may also sustain a traumatic or acute shoulder injury during an automobile collision or physical exercise.
When should you see your doctor for a shoulder injury?
The shoulder joint has the highest risk of dislocation among all your joints, and extreme pressure on your shoulders at work or when playing sports can result in injuries or tears. If the injury is mild, you can treat it at home by bandaging it, using ice, and adequate rest. However, if you have the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:
- Intense pain that worsens over time
- The shoulder joint appears deformed
- Weakness or numbness in your hand
- Limited motion in your shoulder
- Sudden swelling in your shoulder
How can your doctor diagnose shoulder pain?
During your appointment, the professional team may begin with a comprehensive examination to determine the underlying cause of your shoulder pain. They may also evaluate your body for any structural problems that contribute to shoulder pain. Afterward, they may assess your range of motion by requesting you move your arms in different directions. Your doctor may request diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, Mri scans, electromyography, CT scans, and arthroscopy for a more accurate diagnosis. Your provider may also discuss your symptoms to understand your condition better.
How can you treat shoulder injury?
You can use home remedies to treat shoulder injuries using medications such as aspirin, ice, or heat to reduce the swelling and pain. The expert team may recommend injecting corticosteroid into your shoulder joint to relieve pain and swelling if your pain persists. Your provider may recommend surgery for severe injuries such as frozen shoulder, cartilage tears, and rotator cuffs. Your doctor may also recommend shoulder arthroplasty, immobilization and compression, partial and complete shoulder placement, reparative orthopedics, shoulder instability procedures, and arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.
Physical therapy is a crucial part of your treatment plan that restores your strength and protects your flexibility after and during your other treatments. The caring team is dedicated to addressing the underlying cause of your pain while alleviating your discomfort.
If you are struggling with a painful shoulder injury, contact the office or make an appointment online to begin your journey to wellness.