Regular dental visits are crucial for maintaining your oral health and preventing future problems. But if you’re not a regular dental visitor, it can be hard to know how often you should go.
Regularly visiting the dentist is a must for maintaining good oral health. Here are some reasons it is important to visiting the dentist:
Keeping your teeth healthy
A healthy mouth is a happy mouth, and regular visits to your dentist can help keep it that way. Dental treatment is more than just about fixing problems – it can also help prevent them from occurring in the first place. Your dentist will be able to advise you on how to look after your teeth at home, but it’s important to be aware that you cannot prevent all dental problems by brushing alone.
Preventing tooth decay
Tooth decay – otherwise known as cavities – occurs when plaque (the sticky film that forms on your teeth) mixes with food particles and forms acid which eats away at the enamel of your teeth causing them to weaken and eventually crumble away. This process can be prevented by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once per day and visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleanings where they will remove any plaque build up on your teeth using an ultrasonic scaler or a polishing paste.
Protecting your gums
To detect gum disease before they become serious problems. The earlier these conditions are detected, the easier they are to treat. A regular checkup also allows the dentist to advise you on how to avoid them in the future. Gum disease occurs when bacteria build up below the gum line, causing inflammation and swelling in the gums. Early treatment prevents further damage and improves overall health.
Preventing oral cancer: Oral cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It can start on the lip, tongue, cheek or gums. Early detection can help prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.
Improving your smile: Dental procedures such as teeth whitening, root canal therapy and tooth extraction can help improve your smile.
To check for wear and tear on your teeth so that any problems can be caught early and fixed before they become big problems. For example, if you have worn down your teeth or lost a filling, this can be repaired before it gets worse. If the problem persists, however, it could lead to more significant damage over time.
To discuss your diet and lifestyle habits with you so that they can be changed in order to help prevent future problems such as cavities or gum disease from occurring again.