Just what their name suggests Compression garments for lymphedema are designed to do: putting pressure on the arm, hand, or trunk to keep properly the lymph moving. (Keep in mind that some lymphatic vessels are found just below your skin.) Research studies have not yet evaluated the effectiveness of compression arms alone in the treatment of lymphedema. However, experts have found that they are active as part of the overall treatment plan.
Examples include of compression garments for lymphedema
- Sleeve worn on the arm
- Fingerless glove or gauntlet (without the opening of each finger), usually worn by the sleeve
- A bra that supports the chest area or a universal trunk vest
Flexible fabric
All compression garments for lymphedema are made of flexible fabric. The sleeves are firmer than the top. This helps to create the level of pressure (or “gradient”) that keeps the lymph from the arm. There are a variety of fabrics available in addition: Some are durable, some feel soft and some may include materials such as wool or latex.
Mild lymphedma
If you have mild lymphedema (stage 0 or stage 1), a compression garments for lymphedema may be your first treatment. In stage 2 and stage 3 lymphedema, a treatment regimen called complete decongestive therapy (CDT) is recommended first to reduce inflammation (or “ejaculation”). After that, you will wear a pressure sleeve or dress to maintain those effects. Lymphedema doctor of your’s will help you determine you need to wear it how often (all day? Part of the day? Just for “dangerous” activities?) And for how long. To get more pressure you may also need to wear a different type of sleeve at night.
Some important tips
- Get your pressure sleeves and clothing from your lymphedema doctor or from a reputable medical device company that recommends and works with them regularly. “Long-lasting medical equipment” simply refers to medical equipment or household items.
- Wear your sleeve or dress by a knowledgeable person. It will make lymphedema worse if improperly inserted arm by putting too much or too little pressure on certain areas of the organ – which can make fluid retention even worse. You will take measurements of the arm, hand, chest, or other area to choose the right sleeve or other outfit, or order a custom dress. Just be sure to ask how many people your therapist or applicant has worked with in the past.
- Consider buying two sleeves or coats so that you can exchange them for washing. They usually need to be replaced every 3 to 6 months because they lose their elasticity over time.
- If you get a pressure sleeve, ask your lymphedema provider if you should wear a glove or gauntlet in your hand, too. This is especially important if you have ever had any type of symptoms on the hand – for example, stiffness, tingling, or swelling – no matter how small or how short it lasts. There is also concern that simply wearing a sleeve may cause lymphedema on the hand. As a precautionary measure Sometimes a glove or gauntlet is recommended until you see how your body fits into the sleeve. Or, if you have never had symptoms of hand pain, your lymphedema doctor may ask you to pay attention to any changes in the mood or look of your hand.
- “There are no complete rules on this, but we really want to avoid lymphedema on the hand,” said Andrea Cheville, MD, associate professor of physical therapy and rehab at Mayo Clinic. “Whether you use your hand to type, write, play music, or other activities -It is difficult to treat and severely impairs performance”. So it may be the course of wisdom to wear a garment in your hand if you are in a ‘sexy state’ where you do not really need to use your hand. But you have to be counseled individually. ”
- Avoid using cosmetics on your arm and hand before applying the sleeve. Their ingredients can tear the elastic fibers in the arm over time.
Insurance plans
Be aware that insurance plans do not always cover the cost of compression sleeves and other clothing. You can ask your lymphedema therapist or clothing provider about other patients who experience insurance. However, you have to pay out of pocket you may have.