
Dealing with Diabetes is Easy: 5 Lifestyle Changes to Make

Diabetes is a severe condition that affects millions of people in the United States. For many in Bastrop, Texas, it can be a daily struggle to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and live everyday life. But with some lifestyle changes, you can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, improve your health and get back on your feet. A Bastrop diabetes specialist will guide on the following lifestyle changes.

Eat Healthier Food Choices

Try incorporating more fresh vegetables (such as broccoli or carrots), whole grains (like brown rice or oatmeal), nuts (particularly almonds), fruit (like apples or oranges) into your diet. These foods will help fuel your body without sending your blood glucose levels soaring through the roof. And if possible, try to avoid sugary snacks like cookies or candies, as they’ll only make you want more of them.

Exercise More Frequently

If you want to improve your glucose levels, you need to keep your muscles toned and healthy. This will also help control weight gain that often accompanies diabetes. Additionally, exercise is a great way to reduce stress – which can affect insulin production and it’ll put you in a better mood overall.

Get moving more often by going for a walk or jog, or if you’re more advanced, sign up for a class at the gym. If you have trouble staying motivated, ask a friend to work out with you. Having company will help make working out more fun, motivating you to keep going.

Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

Regular monitoring is the best way to keep track of your blood glucose levels. It will help you identify any changes in insulin production you need to account for, so it’s vital to be proactive.

Take note of the food you eat and how much physical activity you get each day while testing your blood glucose levels. If readings are consistently high, talk with a doctor about prescribing medication that will help better maintain your blood sugar levels.

Manage Stress

If you’ve ever noticed that your blood sugar levels spike when you get stressed, it’s for a good reason. Stress can weaken your immune system because stress hormones like cortisol signal the body to release glucose into the bloodstream, giving an energy boost and increasing insulin resistance. Try doing some yoga or meditation to help lower your stress levels.

The effects of stress on the body can be damaging in several ways, including increased blood pressure and muscle tension. It can lead to spikes in glucose levels which can eventually lead to insulin resistance or damage to the pancreas. Managing your stress levels is essential for preserving overall health.

Get Enough Sleep

Improving the quality of your sleep can be the deciding factor in how well your body manages its blood glucose levels. Getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night) can help control stress, improve immune system function and decrease the need to overeat.

Living with diabetes can be a challenge for many people in Bastrop, TX. Thankfully there are some ways to manage the condition and reduce your risk of developing it. By making lifestyle changes that include eating healthier foods, exercising more frequently, getting enough sleep, and monitoring blood sugar levels, you may feel better and have less stress daily.