
Common Reasons to Consider Vaginal Revitalization

As a woman, your body will undergo numerous changes throughout its life, some anticipated, others unanticipated. Whereas some of these shifts may boost your self-esteem and confidence, others may make you feel self-conscious or uneasy, especially those involving sensitive areas such as the vagina. Perhaps it was the birth of your child that made you feel this way. Maybe you have recently gone through menopause and find that things are not quite as they used to be. Irrespective of your motives, you are likely wondering if you are a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation. Generally, you should consider the benefits of vaginal revitalization Santa Monica if your vaginal tissues lose their strength and firmness or wish to enjoy the aesthetic benefits of this procedure. Check out this post to find out more.

Who Is Vaginal Revitalization For?

Vaginal revitalization is for you if you fit under any of the following:

v  You Had A Vaginal Delivery

Whether you have one or multiple children, vaginal delivery could cause irreversible harm to the sensitive vaginal tissue. The outer and inner labia can sometimes extend so much that they rarely revert to their pre-baby state. Following childbirth, even your vaginal muscles may split, leaving you with little muscular tone that you cannot hold a tampon in position.

In addition to the physical impacts of such drastic body changes, vaginal laxity may also result in painful intercourse and reduced sexual pleasure, as well as the psychological stress associated with it. Women often pursue therapy to revitalize their bodies and personal relationships.

v  You Are Suffering Intermittent Mild Bladder Incontinence

Another undesirable effect of childbirth might be urinary stress incontinence, often characterized by leaking whenever you cough, laugh, sneeze, or engage in physical activity that exerts pressure on the bladder. Urine leaks are typical following giving birth because your vaginal muscles have weakened and cannot offer enough stability to your bladder. Nonetheless, stress incontinence could also occur due to menopause’s hormonal fluctuations.

Urinary incontinence may create emotional stress as well as physical discomfort, causing women to feel less confident engaging in certain activities, such as attending an exercise class. Therefore, you start avoiding physical activities that you used to love.

v  You Observe Vaginal Dryness

Throughout and following menopause, your body generates reduced estrogen, a hormone that helps maintain vaginal tissues moist and healthy. Whereas many women first notice vaginal dryness in old age, it could occur at any time due to:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Surgeries
  • Certain drugs
  • Smoking
  • Other medical issues

Long-term stress and anxiety could also result in vaginal dryness and reduced libido.

You might not recognize how much your vaginal health affects your life quality till you begin aging or experience adverse effects following childbirth. If you have been considering vaginal rejuvenation and think you could be a good fit, reach out to Dr. Daniel Moghadam of Modern Aesthetica. Dr. Moghadam provides the non-invasive O-Shot therapy for vaginal revitalization. Make an appointment today through mobile or book online to learn more about this procedure and determine if it is appropriate for you.