Some sunshine is good for your skin because it helps the skin make Vitamin D, which is necessary for normal bone health and function. Yet, the sun can damage your skin, especially from prolonged exposure to UV rays, and cause Teaneck squamous cell carcinoma, which develops on your squamous skin cells. However, sun exposure may not account for skin cancer that develops on skin not directly exposed to sunlight, like your genitals. Your doctor can recommend Mohs surgery to treat this skin cancer by removing the cancerous cells and leaving your healthy skin intact. Read the following article to learn about Mohs surgery.
What Causes Squamous Cell Carcinoma to Develop?
Your skin has outer and middle layers that are made up of squamous cells. Skin cancer developing on these cells mostly results from prolonged UV radiation exposure from sunlight and tanning beds. Since squamous cells are in many areas of your body, you may develop squamous cell carcinoma anywhere with these cells, especially sun-exposed skin. Squamous cell carcinoma may commonly affect your scalp, ears, lips, and the back of your hands. However, this skin cancer may also develop inside your mouth, on your genitals, and on your feet bottoms.
Why Would Your Doctor Recommend Mohs Surgery?
Your doctor may recommend this procedure for squamous cell carcinoma to treat this skin cancer, especially if you have a high risk of the cancer returning. Mohs surgery may also be beneficial if your cancer affects areas where you wish your doctor would preserve as much healthy tissue as possible.
What Will Happen During Mohs Surgery?
Your doctor will inject local anesthesia to numb your skin so you do not feel pain throughout treatment. After the anesthesia takes effect, your doctor will use a scalpel to remove the visible cancer portion while talking thin layers of tissue around and underneath the cancer. Next, you will have a temporary bandage where your doctor removes the skin as the tissue goes into the lab for analysis. As you wait, your doctor will examine the sample to check for cancer in the area of removal. Mohs surgery will continue if your doctor finds more cancer in another section until your last tissue sample confirms you are cancer-free.
What Happens After Mohs Surgery?
After removing the cancer cells, your doctor will help you decide how to fix your wound. After surgery, you may experience soreness and pain, but pain relievers can help. You will continue to wear a bandage for a week while following instructions on wound care, like changing your bandage daily.
A squamous cell carcinoma is a form of skin cancer that develops on your squamous cells found in your outer and middle skin layers. Although squamous cell carcinoma may not be life-threatening, it can be aggressive and, when left untreated, may grow large and spread to other body parts. Treatment with Mohs surgery involves removing the skin cancer cells till your skin is cancer-free. The advantage of this treatment is that you will know your results immediately because you only leave after your doctor removes all the skin cancer.