Insecticides are only one tool among several that may be used to safeguard crops against weeds, insects, and illnesses. There should be a lot of thought put into the storage and administration of insecticides. The following guidelines give a high-level overview of responsible, secure, and efficient practises for the use and management of insecticides, which may help to preserve our environment, water supplies, and ourselves.
The Best Factors
There are a few major factors to think about while selecting a insecticide. Consider the following voluntary Best Management Practises (BMPs) when making decisions about the application and management of insecticides, in addition to meeting any regulatory requirements.
Examine the product’s effectiveness. Cultural and Chemical Weed Control in Field Crops is only one example of the annual bulletins that can be found on the website of the University of Minnesota Extension Applied Weed Science Research. These notices may be downloaded here.
- Select crosscheck insecticide with a minimal potential for collateral damage to non-target organisms, and investigate non-chemical approaches to pest control that pose less threat to beneficial, endangered, or otherwise at-risk species. whether you want to know whether a herbicide is harmful to pollinators like bees, check the Environmental Hazards section on the label.
- You may learn more about protecting non-target animals, such as endangered and threatened species in Minnesota, by reading the Private Insecticide Applicator Training Manual, 19th edition, published by the University of Minnesota Extension. Both of these materials may be found on the internet.
- It is recommended to avoid repeatedly applying insecticides that have similar sites of action, and to rotate between many kinds of insecticides to reduce the likelihood of insecticide resistance.
Think about the possibility of experiencing toxicological effects from contact with insecticides. The USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service maintains a database containing details on the toxicity of many insecticides to humans. This database is known as the Insecticide Properties Database.
Examine the insecticides used and the characteristics of the site that contribute to the spread of chemicals
Some characteristics of insecticides that lessen the likelihood that they may move away from the site and end up in ground or surface waters include low water solubility, a short half-life, volatilization, and strong adsorption capabilities (attraction to soil particles).
A number of site variables influence how insecticides move, including soil texture, permeability (the capacity to travel through soil), organic matter, depth to the water table, proximity to surface waterways, and climatic and watershed conditions that effect runoff and leaching.
To learn about the relative soil potential to retain chemicals on-site, the relative chemical potential to move off-site, and a procedure that takes into consideration the combined effects of soil and insecticide characteristics on off-site movement, it is recommended to consult the soils data for runoff ratings for both solution and sediment maintained by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The data was compiled by the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Determine the region’s vulnerability to surface and ground water contamination via an assessment
The kind of pests you have right now should guide your choice of insecticide and its concentration. Refer to the insecticide’s label and the University of Minnesota Extension’s Insecticide Safety and Environmental Education website for further details. Consider the soil’s texture, organic matter concentration, and pH while deciding on insecticides and application rates. For directions, read the product label.