Acne is a common skin disorder that affects both men and women of allages. Numerous factors can raise the risk of acne, ranging from hormonalchanges that occur in the body as you approach puberty to increasedconsumption of fat-laden foods. Acne, contrary to popular belief, is notjust a teen problem; it can also affect adults and the elderly. Surprisingly,many people who has spotted a pimple on their face but are unaware ofwhat acne might say about their wellbeing. Here are some stuff you shouldknow about acne as stated by Dr. Shweta who is one of the best dermatologist practicing in Indiranagar.
What Causes Acne?
What causes acne is a common question that almost all of us have askedourselves when we see a pimple. Environmental pollution is one of the bigfactors that most of us neglect. Airborne dirt and contaminants collect onthe skin, clogging pores and causing acne. If you still have acne, it canworsen. Furthermore, it increases the risk of a number of skin disorders.
However, if you suddenly develop acne and are unsure what caused it, youshould be aware of the three different factors that can put you at risk.Among them are:
It’s hard to escape stress in our everyday lives. If you’ve been eating out orsleeping late, your everyday routine is affected, which can affect yourhormones and skin, resulting in acne breakouts. One of the main reasonswhy most people, particularly teenagers and adults, develop sudden acnebreakouts is a lack of sleep combined with an unhealthy dietary regimen.
According to the dermatologists, it’s important to engage in relaxing andde-stressing practices. Leading a weekend dance or exercise class, goingswimming or to the gym after work, playing with your children when youget home, or talking with friends or coworkers can all help to alleviatetension. To keep relaxed and stress-free, you can also go for a walk afterwork or try yoga and meditation.
Hormonal Changes:
Hormonal changes that occur during puberty are the explanation why teensare at such a high risk of developing acne. The function of hormonalchanges in acne has been recorded in a number of studies. Manyreproductive changes occur in the body when a child grows into adulthoodas a result of hormones, which may lead to acne. Because of the rapidshifts in hormone levels, most women get acne right before their periods.Acne may also appear in people with hormonal issues like polycysticovarian syndrome in some instances(PCOS).
In this situation, consulting a dermatologist to determine the exact cause ofacne is critical, as avoiding it could lead to severe problems in the future.Often, if you have a lot of breakouts and the home remedies aren’tworking, see a doctor for the best treatmentchoices.
It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of diet in maintaininghealthy, radiant skin. When it comes to your wellbeing, the old adage “youare what you eat” is completely real. Acne can also be caused by the eatinghabits. It may also be caused by irregular eating habits, eating unhealthyfoods, or consuming an excessive amount of junk or processed foods.Excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods, as well as consumingfoods high in fat, can aggravateacne.
This is why, in order to keep your skin safe, you should keep a close eyeon what you eat and adhere to a strict diet. Drinking plenty of water andeating new fruits and vegetables instead of fast food are the easiest ways toavoidacne.
Other Factors:
In addition to the factors mentioned above, using dirty phones, pillowcovers, or make-up can cause acne breakouts. Acne typically occurs onone side of the face, primarily on the cheeks and jawline. Changes in theendocrine system, such as those caused by birth control pills, can alsocause acne on the chin and jawline. A high-carbohydrate diet and dairyproducts may have an adverse effect on your gut health and hormones,resulting in acne. To prevent and treat acne, it is also advisable to limitsugar, dairy, and simplecarbohydrates.
As a result, acne will disclose a great deal about your health, includinghow balanced your diet is, how tired you are, and what hormonal changesoccur in your body. You can combat and avoid acne if these causes, at thevery least diet and stress, are held in check, or if the underlying cause ofthese factors is understood. This information not only aids in the control ofacne, but it also provides insight into your overallhealth.