Smile eye surgery has been becoming more popular in recent years as it can be done quickly, inexpensively, and without any pain. Many people want to look their best, and the easiest way to do this is with surgery. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about SMILE eye surgery.
What is SMILE Eye Surgery?
SMILE eye surgery, or Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a new form of LASIK that uses only one small incision to remove the corneal flap. It was developed in order to create less disruption and better results for patients around the world who require laser vision correction procedures.
SMILE eye surgery is the same type of laser vision correction procedure that LASIK uses; however it creates a much smaller flap in order to remove part of the cornea. The result is better visual acuity results for patients without compromising on safety and accuracy.
How is SMILE Eye Surgery Performed?
The SMILE eye surgery is performed in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia. There are four small incisions, one for each corner and two for pupil placement. The surgeon uses a laser to create the mini-ring that will remain on your eye following surgery; this ring creates an area into which he can fold back or flap up to your cornea.
Side Effects of SMILE Eye Surgery
SMILE eye surgery is generally considered safe and effective. However, there are risks involved in all surgeries that come with the chance of complications such as infection or an injury to your eye.
Recovery After SMILE Eye Surgery
While there is no pain associated with SMILE eye surgery, it does take time for your eyes to heal and the effects of the surgery to be fully realized. While you should feel comfortable returning home after a few hours or so following suture removal, most patients are advised not to drive until they have had ample rest without any discomfort.
You may feel some slight discomfort for a few days after surgery, but this can usually be managed by taking over-the-counter painkillers. Your eyes may feel scratchy or dry for the first few days after surgery, but this can be managed by using lubricating drops. Generally speaking, you should expect to take a week off work following SMILE eye surgery.
Who Is Right For SMILE Eye Surgery?
SMILE eye surgery is best suited to patients who are looking for a convenient alternative to LASIK, PRK, or other types of refractive laser correction. If you’re tired of waiting in lines at the airport and would like better vision without having to worry about contact lenses or glasses, SMILE may be right for you.
SMILE eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery that gives you the ability to see without glasses or contact lenses. This procedure does not involve any incisions, and unlike LASIK, it doesn’t require cutting into your cornea (the outer layer of your eye). It can be performed in about half an hour with less than half the risk of LASIK.