
4 UTI Facts You Should Know

Urinary tract infections are not a preserve for young women. Though young and sexually active women risk having a UTI, older women might also get the infection. According to your trusted Park Avenue Urogynecology expert Dr. Kwon, hormonal levels in older women drop during menopause, making the skin around the vagina fragile. Unfortunately, the thin skin might leave you vulnerable to infections, including UTIs. UTIs mostly happen when bacteria get into your urethra, causing uncomfortable symptoms. Below are four facts you should know about UTIs.


  • UTI has treatment


The best part of using the correct UTI treatment is that you might get relief immediately after the medication sets in. However, the pain might take approximately two days to resolve completely. The best thing the medical professional might suggest is taking lots of water to increase your urination. The frequent bathroom visits will help flush the bacteria from your system. Additionally, the surplus water will help dilute your urine, rinsing the sting of your system. A clean bladder minimizes the severity of your symptoms as you wait for treatment. Over-the-counter drugs that act like antiseptics may also lower discomfort in your bladder.


  • Sexual intercourse might trigger infection


Though UTIs are not sexually transmitted, sexual intercourse can cause an infection. Since your urethra is next to the vagina, bacteria in areas nearby can slip into the urethra and move directly to your bladder. Therefore, you must pee before and after every sexual session to eliminate the bacteria from your urethra. Additionally, you might go the extra mile to wipe your rectum and vagina with a wet wipe after each session.    


  • Do not hesitate to seek professional assistance


Avoid buying time, waiting for your symptoms to resolve when you feel burning sensations. Seeking help on time minimizes your risk of the infection spreading to the other areas of your urinary system. Though over-the-counter medications might help resolve your symptoms, only prescription antibiotics might help address an active UTI infection. The medical professional might request a urine sample during your appointment and conduct a rapid test to check for infections. In other instances, yeast infections might mimic UTIs. While most UTIs require urgent treatment, promptness might be ideal, especially if you are pregnant. Failure to seek help, especially in the early stages, might prompt early labor.


  • You can still get UTI even after treatment


Unfortunately, your first UTI infection is not your last. The infections’ recurrence may happen for several reasons. For instance, not clearing your antibiotic dosage might cause the condition to recur. Failure to complete the drugs, the bacteria from the infection might still be lingering in your tract to multiply and cause a re-infection. Thus, your doctor might advise you to finish your prescription dose even when you start feeling okay. Being female heightens your risk of infection because females have shorter urethras. The short distance makes it easier for the infection-causing bacteria to move into your urinary tract, reaching your bladder.

Though your system flushes out bacteria during urination, it is not guaranteed to eliminate all the dirt. Sometimes bacteria might stick in your tract and grow into an infection. Contact your doctor to know how the disease can affect your overall well-being.