
How You Can Prevent Gum Swelling

Regarding oral health, most people focus on their teeth and neglect their gum health. Your gums play a critical role in supporting your teeth, and your overall wellness will be impacted once they are affected. One of the common signs of gum disease is swollen gums which, if ignored, becomes painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, New York gum swelling treatments will help improve your condition and ensure you enjoy good oral health in the long run.

However, prevention is one of the best ways to guarantee your safety. Gum swelling occurs due to various factors, some of which can be managed and prevented. Here are ways you can prevent swollen gums.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

Gum disease doesn’t just occur overnight; it takes time, especially due to poor oral hygiene. Usually, poor oral hygiene leads to tartar buildup, which can cause infection and inflammation if not removed. This means thoroughly brushing your teeth in the morning and before bedtime can prevent severe symptoms like gum swelling. Furthermore, it would help if you used a soft-bristled toothbrush with fluoridated toothpaste to help eliminate bacteria and plaque buildup.

2. Floss once a day

To safeguard your gum health fully, brushing alone isn’t enough. Mostly, food substances and plaque get stuck between your teeth and gums, which can wreak havoc on your oral health. Nevertheless, it would be best to aim to floss your teeth once per day to eliminate the buildup accumulated throughout your day. When flossing, ensure you get between your teeth and remove any food pieces to prevent gum inflammation or infections.

3. Consume a nutritious diet

A healthy diet will not only safeguard the health of your teeth but also prevent gum diseases that result in swollen gums. It would be best to avoid a diet that includes starchy and sugary foods as it supports plaque buildup in your teeth. Eating healthy will support your gum health and rule out your risk of suffering from periodontal disease in the future.

4. Use an antiseptic mouthwash

Bacteria is one of the leading causes that results in swollen gums. While regular brushing and flossing can remove bacteria, an antiseptic mouthwash is the most effective way to keep the bacteria under control. Too much bacteria buildup will only aggravate your conditions and can cause tooth decay and infected gums if not addressed. Consider using an antibacterial mouthwash to eliminate any bacteria left around your mouth.

5. Quit smoking

It’s no secret that smoking cigarettes is a major contributor to gum disease. Typically, smoking weakens your body’s immune system making it difficult for your body to fight severe periodontal diseases like infections. Smoking will delay your healing and worsen your symptoms if you’re recovering from gum disease. Therefore, to keep your gums healthy long-term, you should quit smoking.

Even if you don’t have any visible symptoms of unhealthy gums, you should visit your endodontist often to assess your condition. Early detection of gum disease will enable you to get top-notch treatments before your condition gets out of hand. Furthermore, if you notice that your gums don’t have the perfect pink appearance and seem swollen, don’t hesitate to seek immediate medical care.